TImothy Sidney
Lived in Milwaukee before prison
March 3 2009 sentenced to 9 years in and 3 out/ been locked
up for 7 years
Convicted of armed robbery 3 3 2010/TIS/Guilty as charged/
public defender
2) Support from outside: I have family, friends writing and
visiting on a regular which makes my time a lot easier, but I feel that the
institution should provide at least one phone call for those less fortunate to
at least reach out to the outside world.
3) I do feel over
incarceration cause crime because too many grown men in one spot with no
personal elbow room cause frustration and frustration case anger and anger cause
action which results in assaults. My father dies when I was 19 months , but m
uncle was in and out of prison and it makes a difference in my experience. My role models was gang member and drug dealers and
positive thing about the is that we stuck together like family and loyalty was a must but a bad thing about this was (
members have to support other members no matter what they do)
4) Support on the inside-the inmates help me sustain myself
and grow.
5)I am mentally ill that’s diagnosed with depression, PTSD ,
anti –social, borderline personality, disorders and psychotic features and yes
they have changed(my diagnosis?) I received treatment at WRC whish has DBT in
2014 which has group sessions and one –on- one sessions, which consist of
skills to prevent you from self harm behavior and demonstrating the mindfulness
skill which helped me . For instance when I get to the point of self harm
getting in tune with all my senses helps.
I had no treatment before I was incarcerated, no mental
health clinic nor therapist, only help I was given was by my mom, when I was
intense traumatic episode whether I was woke or in my sleep she’ll help me
ground whether it was a splash of cold war or a slap to the face. And poverty
was a factor in my illness, because I was shot and robbed for some money the
next person in poverty didn’t have.
6)In 7 ½ years I have received no training.
I have my HSED but I receive that in Ethan Allan. I haven’t
learned any skills in the DOC I have been asking for PTSD treatment but the DOC
said that WRC said I was security risk and the DOC don’t want to do it .
Books are available, no resources, it’s law library but not
enough of it. I have yet to receive a free book! The things I access to help me
learn and grow is persona books under real estate and the music business!
There’s nothing here, but a hard time, only tools available to me is the
library, and recreation, because working out is a part of my daily lifestyle
which also helps my mental health as well as my physical!! I’m very motivated
to pursue my dream as song writer and producer and with 18 months left in
prison I still desperately search for resources!
For my release I have not received any information! I would
like t share with you my release plans! My mother and I plan a relocation to
Atlanta because she is a real estate agent next year and real estate is very
prosperous in Atlanta as well as for music and I feel like to every ending has
a new beginning so believe f I move away can make a way! And Atlanta and
Madison got 2 of the best Audio Engineering schools in the country, so right
now the question is do my mom have to be gone before I come home to get an
interstate compact.
Overcrowding and lack of staff has a big negative effect on
the institution , it cause in them to deny us recreation, religious movement at
ties and causing long term seg stays because if everybody in seg was to get out
there would be no room in the institution , so it causing minor tickets to
become major dispositions and it s also pushing the Cos to write falsifies CRs
( conduct reports) it’s causing a hostile environment period
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