questionaires give full circle view

The Question we asked in our Fall newsletter was "Is the WI DOC fulfilling its mission to rehabilitate prisoners and keep the public safe?" We will use this in our legal efforts and will try to see that all who need to know the fuller stories of who we have locked up do. These questionaires also give flesh and details to the bits and pieces we get about the corruption and dysfunction in the system, The vista here is awesome.

We need help  typing up these questionaires and planning how to use them .
Below are links to the questionaires that still need summing/typing.You decide what you want to do with them. If you pick one, let me know so we do not duplicate efforts.

questionares that need summing /typing:

here are the questions without the lines and spaces given

QUESTIONAIRE: To all prisoners in the WI system
We need data on what you are given in the way of treatment, training in preparation for release as we only have anecdotal evidence right now. Please consider filling out this form as it will have many uses and will be widely shared.  If enough of you fill this out , we will have a powerful tool to use for real change. Please be honest and include data you consider favorable as well as unfavorable. We ask you to help if you can and add information you think we missed. Return the forms to : FFUP/ c/o peg Swan; 29631 Wild Rose Drive, Blue River, WI 53518.And thanks much to all who help.
This is squinched from 4 to 2+pages to fit in newsletter- please use your own paper if needed to expand answers. Put down number you are answering if you use your own paper. And thankyou.
1) personal data:
name/ number/ prison /age  and birth year
what city/county did you reside before incarceration?

release date/length of time in prison/

crime convicted of/Date of crime for which you were convicted:   are  you TIS or OL?
guilty as charged(yes) (no)/length of sentence given

Did you have a private lawyer? Public defender? 

Add items you think are important but be factual and focused.
For the rest of the questions, use more paper if you need- just write the number on the new sheet of the question you are answering
2) support from outside:
Do you have family or friends in touch with you- do they visit/write/ help with funds/what difference does that make in your time in prison/ what could the prison do to make connections with family and friends easier?
 3)Support growing up. There is talk these days that over incarceration cause crime? Do you agree? Did you have a father at home while growing up? Was your father incarcerated? Was any other member of your family incarcerated? Does yes or no to that question make a difference in your prison experience? Who were your role models as you grew up? How about gangs? Positive and negatives about gang support in your life_

4) support on the inside: were there people within the system , either staff or prisoners who helped you sustain yourself- or grow
5) For the mentally ill: (diagnosis and treatment)
What is your diagnosis? Has your diagnosis been changed? If your diagnosis was recently changed , from what to what- was the MH level changed. What is your diagnosis now ? and the MH level? Was your seg status changes? Were you transferred to another prison? Other consequences? Are you or have you been on AC? How long have you been in solitary?

6)More For the mentally ill: (diagnosis and treatment): What treatment have you received. State the name and years you received it and whether it was paper work , in person sessions with a therapist or groups sessions. Describe a session briefly and explain if it helped. Did the treatment help? add what you think is important. Have you requested treatment at WRC/?What happened?  Be specific whenever you can.___

7)more : For the mentally ill. How was treatment you received before incarceration? Did you have access to a mental health clinic or therapists. Describe help you were given and by whom. Was there anyone in your family who helped you cope or a friend? Was poverty a factor in your illness?

8) For ALL:  are you in solitary? What is your status called?  for what and what time line? Are you on AC/  What is conduct report or reason. Do you have documentation? Have you filed complaints?  Describe conditions. Attempts to get out of solitary etc. all information needed.

9) General health care_ please outline problems and good things here. Note health care staff shortages where you have encountered them

10) For all: Training received while in prison : what you received, when( years), whether it was effective. IS there anything you can use once you get out? Did you receive your GED and how was that- are you a competent reader and writer? Are there any skills you learned that can be used once you are out? If you are an old law prisoner when you received this training is especially important, what training or treatment have you received since TIS was enacted? Was there treatment or treatment you asked for that you did not receive? Why?

11) more on training and treatment and preparation for release: books and resources available to you, law library . free books to prisoners, This is a big one for FFUP- what can you access to help yourself to learn and grow. Delineate some of the good things and obstacles- IF you are motivated to get the most out of your incarceration, what tools are available? What are the obstacles? Again, show specific examples. Also physical well being is important- recreation and diet. All these things are important. Be on point.                   
12)Release – for those nearing release, out, or revoked
What help is or did the parole agent or DOC give you to prepare for release and what is offered as conditions of release:
            a) Do you or did you have a place to go with family or friends?  Did the DOC /parole approve of your plan?
            b) were you or will be you given things you need to sustain yourself after release? What exactly were you supplied with or will you be given-  ( check if yes and explain in lines/please use more paper if needed)
state id_______housing for how long where____________________access to phone__________________-clothes-------------------------------- voucher for thrift shops____________________ bus pass_____________________money________________________transport by agent?_________  curfew___________________ other restrictions___________________________anything else?

For those reincarcerated for non felonies- Please summarize your experience – try to be clear about the dangers your  actions posed and alternatives to reincarceration that could have been use, We have heard of reincarceration for very minor rule offences. Be specific about what happened and you will be educating us all . This is a nebulous topic with near nothing in data.(again , use more paper)

Specific issues: overcrowding and lack of staff- if you have PERSONALLY experienced the effects of this- please site specifics. And items you  want to stress even if you noted them above, plus note things you think we missed. Be factual and on point as much as possible.

Here add anything you want- critique of questionnaire okay. And thank you very much for your participation

Send to FFUP c/o peg Swan; 29631 Wild Rose Drive, Blue River, WI 53518


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