Anger Build Up -post one
We find that prisoners are desperately trying to find way to be treated as human beings. The conditions in WI are deplorable with lack of staff and overcrowding as main drivers of dysfunction in all areas. The mentally ill are warehoused only, the health care is woefully inadequate, programs are slashed and general living conditions deteriorate with staff doing forced overtime and prisoners often on lock down because of lack of staff. Doctor, nurses, psychological staff is critically short.
Of late there has been prisoner on guard violence and we have received many urgent letters trying to explain what is happening.
For example, the recent news of the assault of three guards and death of inmate that committed the assaults has spurred a lot of letters telling the back story.
Although the County Sherriff decided the death of Francisco Flores-Rocha was not suspicious, we have received letters claiming that guards sprayed 8 cans of chemical weapons into the confined space of Flores-Rocha's cell. The mail of one prisoners writing about the death of "lil Frankie" as he was called, was nminitored, the prisoners who supposedly knew of the death denied saying anything and our courageous friend was given a conduct report for "lying about staff."
Below are portions of letters telling of the worsening conditions and high level of frustration among prisoners and staff alike. The first is by a 25 year old in Columbia Correctional Institution, The last two are by GBCI prisoners
Robert Ward 515599 CCI, 25 y.o.
Randall Blue 188858, GBCI, PO
box 19033; Green Bay, WI 54307
"Today, July 28, 2016, I heard on radio Dave Harris speak on how can they make it safe for correctional officers here at Green Bay Correctional Institution. We all know how this works, the recent incidents here at (GBCI) is an opportunity for the state to get more money, it’s all a political stunt, the truth is the public, taxpayers, only ever get a chance to hear one side of the story. Before I go into details, first know I am opening myself up to harassment, being placed in segregation, but, the truth needs to be revealed .If Dave Hanson is looking for a way to keep C.O.s safe, he can start by telling C.O.s there’s an appropriate way to treat inmates; if you get that point across, I can assure you that’s 80% of the problem. You have to understand these are not isolated incidents: this is a buildup of inappropriate behavior by staff.

In closing, I’d like to say feel free to edit this letter if it is used in any publication.
An angry note from Daniel Chipman: "An inmate died GBCI after stabbing a doctor. Do you know what happened? How awful the lack of medical care is -so bad he lost his life. They never learn a lesson or change. They continue to abuse people and neglect them"
Of late there has been prisoner on guard violence and we have received many urgent letters trying to explain what is happening.
For example, the recent news of the assault of three guards and death of inmate that committed the assaults has spurred a lot of letters telling the back story.
Although the County Sherriff decided the death of Francisco Flores-Rocha was not suspicious, we have received letters claiming that guards sprayed 8 cans of chemical weapons into the confined space of Flores-Rocha's cell. The mail of one prisoners writing about the death of "lil Frankie" as he was called, was nminitored, the prisoners who supposedly knew of the death denied saying anything and our courageous friend was given a conduct report for "lying about staff."
Below are portions of letters telling of the worsening conditions and high level of frustration among prisoners and staff alike. The first is by a 25 year old in Columbia Correctional Institution, The last two are by GBCI prisoners
This is for people to understand fully what life is like on the inside of the Wisconsin prison system. I would like to let you know that the system in Wisconsin is made to mentally break you down. They really don’t beat you down to get your compliance, but they sure do mentally beat you. But yes, there are a few cases that staff do beat inmates, and I have seen 2 or 3 of them first hand. I just want change. I am going home soon but I met some great people that just made some bad decisions that do not deserve this brutal treatment and to be very honest, some of the smartest and strongest have broke at the hands of these people.
And all these people do is sit back and laugh. They say they are underpaid and that we are dangerous, but really all staff do is instigate everything they can. Giving people 150 days in the hole for not celling up with a homosexual. Really is that necessary? We all know that answer. There has been a lot of studies on the way long term segregation is very harmful to a person’s mental health. Even the U.N. has announced that more than 15 days in segregation is torture. So that goes to show you what the DOC is doing is very wrong. I want people to know what their tax money is going to. The DOC is creating more monsters. They are breeding mentally unstable people and letting them into the outside world.
Department of Corrections. What “Corrections” is happening really? Basically none. Rec for segregation inmates is very irregular. Most of the time 2 hours a week. “if lucky.” We don’t get very much law library. Clean our cells 1 time a week. There are a lot of people on the floor. They do not have enough bunks. A lot of the cells are single cells, but they have people on the floor of the single cell.
Staff talk down on us all the time. And if someone reacts, that person gets treated worse. People’s mental health is a joke to them. There are staff that do not agree with the mistreatment, but they can not speak out because that will be their job. Staff do not go against staff. New staff are training new staff. Very dangerous. It’s like you lose your right to be a man, when you come to prison. But what happens to a caged dog that always gets messed with and antagonized? Most of the time they become very mean, and when they are released, they snap and most of the time you have to lay them down. Then they blame it on the dog. How sick and wrong is that? Every man has a breaking point. And this is mine. It’s time to let this torture be let out. Loud and Proud. “We are Men, and We Deserve to be treated as one. “ I came to prison because I did something wrong. I want to become better, but the system is designed to have you have a rough time and eventually come back. Every person that comes through these doors means money to them. But if you knew that your money was going to building killers and “crazy people” would you let that keep happening? I hope not. All it takes is one bad judgment call to end up exactly where I am right now. We are human and not perfect. I have seen people “lose it.” Eat their own bowl movements, cut them selves, wipe blood and other bodily fluids all over themselves. I have seen staff walk away from people who ask for help and they laugh while the inmate hurts himself. One person that I really respected told a CO that his chest hurt, the CO said drink some water and lay down. The man died that night. The man was no older than 50 years old. That was the last straw for me. Things need to change. People need to be aware of the disregard to human life the Wisconsin DOC has.
I am a 25 year old white male. I surround myself with all different races. And black men, for the most part, are treated far worse. And anyone who associate themselves with the Black men are treated as such. It’s like they’re scared of them, and they try to keep them down, so they feel more safe.
I do not wish this treatment on ANYONE! This could be you or someone that is close to you. Please stand up and help fight for change. All Lives Matter!
Robert Jay Ward #515599;Columbia Correctional Institution;PO Box 900;Portage, WI, 53901
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Randall Blue gives causes for increased tension and violence |
"Today, July 28, 2016, I heard on radio Dave Harris speak on how can they make it safe for correctional officers here at Green Bay Correctional Institution. We all know how this works, the recent incidents here at (GBCI) is an opportunity for the state to get more money, it’s all a political stunt, the truth is the public, taxpayers, only ever get a chance to hear one side of the story. Before I go into details, first know I am opening myself up to harassment, being placed in segregation, but, the truth needs to be revealed .If Dave Hanson is looking for a way to keep C.O.s safe, he can start by telling C.O.s there’s an appropriate way to treat inmates; if you get that point across, I can assure you that’s 80% of the problem. You have to understand these are not isolated incidents: this is a buildup of inappropriate behavior by staff.
The truth is, the system always makes it look like the inmate is always the bad guy. Be real, we know that’s not true. I can speak for GBCI-it’s some very disrespectful C.O.s at GBCI. If I was going to blame the inmate for any part, it would be not using better judgment when being provoked, some are stronger than others. As I write and think more about a solution as a whole, GBCI needs a staff overhaul, when saying this, the inmate complaint examiner Jodene Perttu, comes to mind, she’s so discouraging and frustrating, she dismiss all complaints against staff, which leaves the inmate to feel his only option is take matters into his own hands. As an inmate of color, I get to experience racist acts from all levels, it’s no difference than these police around the country killing Blacks, and the system justifies it- we all know that in some of these cases, the police are at fault. Now, I don’t condone police officers getting shot up, but if nothing is done when these police officers continue to kill, it leaves people to seek justice for themselves, like I said earlier about Jodene Perttu, GBCI Inmate complaint examiner, if you write a story up, she dismisses the complaint, now the inmate is seeking his own justice. I am sending you some examples to show her behavior.
Most inmates here are afraid to write staff up. See, I’m viewed as a troubled inmate for exercising my right to file a complaint.
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View all complaints on PDF

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Daniel Chipman,47, has severe physical and mental health problems and says he receives poor care |
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