Title You're Breaking Up Presented by: Todd E. Hiivala #363687 Green Bay Corr'l Institution P.O. Box 19033 Green Bay, WI 54307-9033 Subject Complete refusal by GBCI staff--from maintenance, to supervisors, to the Warden himself--to repair or replace broken telephones inmates use to call and talk with family, friends and loved ones. Background: Between the end of 2015 and early 2016 GBCI installed phone jacks along the tiers, allowing inmates to request and place phone calls to family, friends and loved ones. Prior to this the only access to phones was at recreation, where there were, and still are, only a dozen phones that up to 100 or more inmates were/are expected to use within their one-hour recreation period. As one can imagine, between a lack of staff supervision, and no honor or courtesy among inmates monopolizing the phones, the whole process was/is chaotic and dysfunctional. The addition of phones on ...