
Showing posts from October, 2016

Hunger strikers and retaliation

GBCI 2 inmate complaints about Retaliation for  Hunger striking/GBCI WCI https://ff...

More on 50% Restitution illegally applied retroactively by the DOC/a new brand of slavery?

James Mercer 9/16/16 On April 11th, 2016, the Wisconsin Legislature enact ed Act 355 Into law , which relates to restitution owed to victims of crimes and requires that the Division of A dult Institutions (herein after referred to as being the D.A.l.)   change its methods used to collect restitution fees.. One of the changes is concerned with the rate of deduction for restitution from an inmate's General Prison Trust Account, which is to increase to 50                  (from 25). The effective date of Act 355 was July 1st, 2016. Since on or after that date the employees for the D.O.C., D.A.I., and S.C.I. began, out of convenience to themselves when a per.son',s civil rights and liberties get in their way, II- legally taking twice the amount of restitution fees from an inmate's General Pri - son Trust Account who owes restitution, than that originally ordered for thee to\pay by the Courts ...

Rehabilitation by stagnation/ 6.45 for 80 hours work!!

Around the country there have been work stoppages by prisoners protesting the slavery their work conditions and pay. Here are two submissions by prisoners in Wisconsin on the Wisconsin system: 1)James Mercer- click to view: 2)Reo Covington (below)   REHABILITATION BY STAGNATION!!! Really???             By: Reo L. Covington-533457 OSCI; PO Box 3310 Oshkosh, WI 54903 To all of my fellow, inmates, and to all supporters and friends and family of the F.F.U.P. (Forum for Understanding Prisons ). Please be aware that the Wisconsin Department of Corrections, are now engaging in the blatant sabotage and whole­sale stagnation of our rehabilitative efforts and our successful re-entry into society as productive and changed citizens. Now, some of you are asking the questions. How and/or why would or could I say such a bold statement? PLEA...