Kamau Damali

I AM WHO WE ARE By Kamau T.Z. Damali (originally written: June 20th, 2001) I AM WHO WE ARE; I am our nappy heads, Our broad noses & full lips, I am our beautiful smiles And our angry frowns I am the tears rolling down Our faces inflicted by Injustice, hardship and suffering I AM WHO WE ARE: I am Alkehulan’s (Afrika) Glory and her failure, Her happiness and her misery. Her beauty and her ugliness, Her triump and her tragedy, Her tenacity and her docility, Her rage and her serenity. her satiety and her hunger, Her Perfection and imperfection AM WHO WE ARE: I am that Alkebu-lanium king Who fought against the other Alkebu-laniankings that helped The Europeans steal our people Arid packed them onto ships Like sardines ...