NO privacy in seg talks with Psychologist
1) A letter written in uncertain hand- needs spelling help, tells of no privacy in seg units and that has led to harrassment by other prisoners who hear the psychologist talking to prisoners. This man has attempted to kill himself because of this. I have written him and invited him to write me. Plan: send letter and cover to head of health James greer. We have discussed lack of privacy before and he has started reforms- obviously not taken seriously. James Greer is a man who does what he can , he is a nurse and truly tries to help. Collect all documents on seg and send to justice deparment Collect all seg docs for report blog to organize. typed text of letter _Picture coming. Summary of issue I am a prisoner of the WIDOC and have been fighting for proper health care and mental health care and have file a case entitled SALAS v GAMS et al 09-cv-237 but do not have the funding to file the rest yet but working on it. I am a seg max inmate and during 2007 through 2009 while housed at Columb...